Professional Conduct Program Overview

The CMLTO’s Professional Conduct Program is responsible for handling public complaints and concerns about MLT conduct, competence, and capacity. The Professional Conduct program implements important processes to ensure that public protection is maintained. This is achieved through the Mandatory Reports and Complaints processes. This program includes a Patient Relations component. Please visit this webpage for more information.


The CMLTO is required to investigate all complaints received regarding the conduct of its registrants. If you are concerned that the care you received from an MLT did not meet the profession’s standards, you have a right to complain to the CMLTO. The Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee (ICRC) investigates all complaints, and then issues a decision (and the reasons) to the registrant and the complainant. Staff are available during business hours (Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.) by email at You can access the online complaint form here: online complaint form. For more information on the Complaints process, click here.

Mandatory reports

MLT Employers or facility operators in Ontario are required to file a report with the CMLTO within 30 days if they: 

  • Terminate an MLT’s employment 
  • Suspend an MLT, or 
  • Restrict an MLT’s practice due to professional misconduct, incompetence, or incapacity

All regulated health professionals are required to file a report with the CMLTO if they have reasonable and probable grounds to believe an MLT has sexually abused a patient. When a mandatory report is filed with the CMLTO, the Registrar reviews the report and submitted documents to determine next steps. This may include referring the matter to the ICRC.

The Professional Conduct Program involves many statutory committees which include the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee, Discipline Committee and Fitness to Practise Committee. For more information about CMLTO’s Committees please click here.

Navigate to the “I am a Member of the Public“ and “I am an Employer” section of the site for more information about the Professional Conduct Program components and processes.


CMLTO Patient Relations

A critical component of the work that the CMLTO accomplishes as part of its mission to protect the public is the CMLTO Patient Relations. 

The overall goals of the Patient Relations include: 

  • Improving the public’s understanding of the profession and the vital role that Medical Laboratory Technologists (MLTs) play in ensuring positive patient outcomes.
  • Providing the public with easy access to information needed to understand that role and to access CMLTO services.
  • Improving the public’s understanding of the role of the CMLTO in regulating MLTs.
  • Supporting CMLTO registrants in their efforts to promote positive patient relations by providing up-to-date standards of practice and guidelines.


In addition to the Patient Relations, the CMLTO has a Patient Relations Committee. 

The primary focus of the Patient Relations Committee is the CMLTO’s sexual abuse prevention plan, as required by the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991 (RHPA). 

The objectives of the sexual abuse prevention program include the following:

  • Promoting a policy of zero tolerance towards all aspects of sexual abuse as identified in the RHPA.
  • Providing guidelines and learning resources for CMLTO registrants, to prevent and eradicate sexual abuse and support excellence in patient/registrant relations.
  • Administering and evaluating the effectiveness of the fund for therapy and counselling for patients who have been sexually abused.
  • Identifying other issues and trends that are important to maintaining excellent patient relations.

If you require further information about the CMLTO Patient Relations of the CMLTO Patient Relations Committee, please contact CMLTO Professional Conduct at

Please click here for more information on upcoming or past CMLTO discipline hearings.