Competence Evaluation

The Competence Evaluation (CE) is the third component of the CMLTO Quality Assurance Program (QAP) as described by the Medical Laboratory Technology Act, 1991. The purpose of the CE is to assess a
registrant’s knowledge, skill, and judgment in one or more of the specialties in which the registrant is
registered to practise.

In accordance with QAC Policy 49 – Competence Evaluation Assessment (here), the Quality Assurance
Committee (QAC) may require a registrant to participate in a CE if it is of the opinion that the registrant’s
knowledge, skill, and judgment is unsatisfactory. The decision to require a registrant to complete a CE is
based on a review of the registrants Professional Portfolio, the results of their Practice Review assessment, or any other relevant written information.

The CE is an in-person assessment facilitated by two Assessors appointed by the QAC. The assessment
consists of 15 behavioural and/or situational-based questions based on the CMLTO Standards of Practice for Medical Laboratory Technologists. Registrants are provided 90 minutes to complete the CE assessment. The CE Blueprint describes the assessment conditions including the question format and CE outcomes.

Please consult the Competence Evaluation Handbook for Registrants, and Handbook for Assessors (both

Blueprint of the Competence Evaluation component:

The CMLTO Competence Evaluation Blueprint defines the assessment’s question composition. The CE question categories align to the CMLTO Standards of Practice for Medical Laboratory Technologists. The CMLTO Quality Assurance Committee reviews the CE Blueprint every three years.

You can access the current Competence Evaluation Blueprint here.

CMLTO Standards of Practice Number of Questions Evaluation Tool Weighting
Professional Conduct and Accountability 5 – 6 35-40%
Knowledge and Skill 2 – 3 15-20%
Application of Knowledge and Skill 6 – 7 40-45%
Quality Management 1 – 2 10-15%
Total number of questions 15 100%
How are registrants selected for the Competence Evaluation assessment?
The CMLTO Quality Assurance Committee may require a registrant to participate in a CE assessment if the Committee is of the opinion, based on a review of the registrant’s portfolio, the results of a practice review or any other relevant written information, that the registrant’s knowledge, skill, and judgment are unsatisfactory. Registrants are NOT randomly selected; they are directed by the QAC to participate in the CE assessment.
How are registrants notified that they must complete the CE assessment?

A registrant will be notified of the QAC’s decision to participate in a CE assessment by mail and email.

Who are the CMLTO assessors?
Two Assessors are selected by the QAC to administer and report on every CE assessment. Assessors are volunteer CMLTO registrants who have undergone an annual training program focussed administering and reporting on CE assessments. CE Assessors meet the following requirements:

  • is a Practising registrant in good standing with the CMLTO
  • has a minimum of five years of current experience as an MLT
  • is not a current registrant of the CMLTO Board or a Non-Board Committee member
  • recognizes and declares any potential conflict of interest
  • complies with the requirements and responsibilities outlined in the CMLTO Confidentiality form
  • participates in an annual CE Assessor training program.
How can members prepare for the CE assessment?

CMLTO staff will provide the registrant with all the available CE assessment resources including the CE blueprint, CE registrant handbook, and the CMLTO Standards of Practice. Registrants are encouraged to review these documents and to contact CMLTO staff with any questions.

What are the possible CE assessment outcomes?

In accordance with the Medical Laboratory Technology Act, 1991, the Quality Assurance Committee may take no further action or it may exercise one or more of the powers provided to the Committee under section 80.2 of the Health Professions Procedural Code.  O. Reg. 142/10, s. 1. Click here for more information. 

Have any further questions or concerns?

Contact CMLTO Quality Assurance Program staff by email at