CMLTO Quality Assurance Program Resources

The CMLTO Quality Assurance Program is one of the most important areas for the College. The CMLTO Quality Assurance Committee, along with College staff, have continuously developed and maintained this program to ensure that MLTs perform to their best practice standards and serve the public in a responsible, safe, and professional manner. The components of the program are specified in the Medical Laboratory Technology Act, 1991. The program is required to include the following:

Select any of the items above for more information on each component and program’s audit criteria. 

The Quality Assurance Program supports medical laboratory technologists’ ability to perform to best practice standards. The CMLTO Quality Assurance Program has been operating since the College’s formation in 1991 and over the years the program has implemented numerous improvements. The Quality Assurance Program is frequently reviewed and evaluated to identify tools and resources to support MLT continued competence. The Quality Assurance Program uses the Board of Directors guiding principles to make meaningful program improvements. The principles are:

Enabling professional practice

  1. CMLTO collaborates with registrants to seek input to the Quality Assurance Program and is responsive to registrants’ feedback.
  2. CMLTO encourages registrants to include quality assurance thinking throughout their professional practice and careers. 
  3. CMLTO supports and uses proactive approaches with registrants in pursuit of enhanced professional practice and continuing competence.


  1. Focussed on direct, demonstrated, and measurable continuous improvement of the competence and quality of registrants’ professional practice. 
  2. Evidence-based, transparent, fair and objective. 
  3. Easily understood and will set appropriate expectations of registrants. 
  4. Continually evaluated for reliability and validity of program design and implementation.
Is the Quality Assurance Program mandatory for MLTs?
The program is mandatory for all CMLTO Practising registrants, regardless of employment status. A registrants employment status (i.e., part-time, full-time, on leave) is separate from their registration with the College. As long as a registrant holds a Practising certificate of registration they must participate in the program.

How are Registrants audited?

Registrants are selected for audits according to the Quality Assurance Committee’s audit criteria. See below for details on how CMLTO registrants are selected for audit.

Professional Portfolio

Every year registrants are required to submit their Stage 1 Professional Portfolio for review which includes the Professional Profile, Self-assessment, and Learning Goal Development sections. Practising registrants are randomly selected once every five years to submit their comprehensive portfolio for review. The Stage 2 audit includes all Stage 1 components and the Professional Development and Learning Goal Reflection sections. Registrants may be required to submit their portfolio upon request by the QAC. Registrants selected for the Practice Review audit or who register in the current calendar year are exempt from the Stage 2 audit. 

Practice Review

Practising registrants who are registered for more than two years will be randomly selected to complete the Practice Review once every ten years. Those who change to a Practising certificate of registration by any means (i.e., new registrant, reinstated, change from Non-practising to Practising) will be required to complete the Practice Review within their first two years of registration.

Competence Evaluation

Unlike the two audits above, registrants are not randomly selected for the Competence Evaluation. If the Quality Assurance Committee believes a registrant does not have sufficient knowledge, skill, or judgment based on their Professional Portfolio submission, Practice Review results, or other written information, they may require a registrant to complete a Competence Evaluation.

Is a registrant’s employer notified when they are being audited?

Employers are not informed when a registrant is being audited. The legislation requires all information collected as part of the Quality Assurance Program to remain confidential. This information cannot be used for other purposes, even by CMLTO Statutory Committees, other than the Quality Assurance Committee.

For more detailed information on the Quality Assurance Program Audit Criteria, click here.

Want to learn more about the CMLTO Quality Assurance Program? Contact CMLTO Quality Assurance at

What happens if I don't comply with the QAP?

Failure to comply with the QAP and Case Referral to QAC 

Cases are referred to the QAC in accordance with QAC Policy 45 Case Referral, which you can access here. Referrals may include:

  • An audit exclusion or extension request falls outside of the QAP administrative decision-making policy,
  • Registrant fails to meet a requirement of the QAP:
    • Does not submit a complete Stage 1 or Stage 2 Portfolio, even after coaching and/or intervention by QAP staff, as appropriate, or
    • Does not meet the minimum Practice Review assessment criteria in alignment with QAC Practice Review Policies.
  • A Practising registrant fails to respond or communicate with the CMLTO in a complete or timely manner as described in the notices or communications sent to the registrant.
  • A registrant’s QA declaration non-compliance is not described in policy QAC 40 – MLTs not Compliant with QA Declarations at Annual Renewal.

The QAC may take one or more of the actions defined in Section 80.2 of the Health Professions Procedural Code (Schedule 2 of the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991).