MLT Conduct

One of the ways that concerns about MLTs are brought to the College’s attention is through Self-Disclosure. CMLTO registrants are required to file a self-report to the CMLTO whenever they:
- have been found guilty of an offence
- have a finding of professional negligence or malpractice made against them
- are a member of another body that governs a profession inside or outside of Ontario
- have a finding of professional misconduct or incompetence made against them by another body that governs a profession inside or outside of Ontario
- have been charged with an offence, and the report shall include information about every bail condition or other restriction imposed on, or agreed to, by the member in connection with the charge.
The legislation states that a registrant’s report of these matters must be made as soon as possible to the College. Self-disclosures can be made at any time to the College by email, telephone, or letter.
Although there are professional conduct declarations included in the annual renewal process, registrants can and should inform the College as soon as possible of these matters to help facilitate next steps faster. Failing to report within the statutory timeframes can amount to professional misconduct which is separate and apart from the underlying issue that was supposed to be reported.
Reports & Inquiries
Another method in which matters that relate to MLT conduct are brought to the attention of the College is through inquiries. These could include someone notifying the College about a newspaper article that refers to criminal charges against an MLT, or social media posts from a registrant.
Please note that these types of inquiries are only investigated if there are reasonable and probable grounds to believe that the registrant has engaged in professional misconduct, is incompetent, or incapacitated.
CMLTO staff have put together a comprehensive FAQ resource that thoroughly details information that would be relevant to you as a Medical Laboratory Technologist, including:
- What your employer, manager, facility operator, or partner/manager could report
- Timing involved and where to send the report
- What information the report should contain
- Whether or not MLTs named in mandatory reports need to seek legal representation
- How an investigation may impact an MLT’s registration with the CMLTO
- Whether or not an MLT could appeal a decision made by the Inquiries, Complaints, and Repots Committee (ICRC)
The FAQ resource also contains a visual chart which outlines the different reporting requirements of each professional or organization.
For access to this resource, click here.

Complaints Process
A complaint is an issue or concern that someone may have about the practice of a Medical Laboratory Technologist. The CMLTO complaints process is accessible to everyone, including members of the public, or colleagues of a Medical Laboratory Technologist. The CMLTO can receive complaints through different methods including our online complaints form, email, telephone, fax, or letter.
For more information on the CMLTO complaints process, click here
Sexual Abuse Resources for MLTs
Sexual abuse is one type of professional misconduct.
Schedule 2 of the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991 defines sexual abuse as sexual intercourse or other forms of sexual relations, touching of a sexual nature, or behavior/remarks of a sexual nature by a College registrant toward a patient. The legislation also defines who a patient is, and states that a person is still a patient for the purposes of the sexual abuse provisions for one year after they would otherwise have stopped being a patient.
For more information on the CMLTO’s resources available regarding sexual abuse, please click here