What we do
The College of Medical Laboratory Technologists of Ontario (CMLTO) is the regulatory body for medical laboratory technologists (MLTs) in Ontario. The CMLTO exists to ensure the public receives quality laboratory services from competent and ethical professionals.
They key role that the CMLTO plays in protecting the public interest involves:
- Regulating Ontario’s medical laboratory technologists (MLT)
- Acting as the governing body for MLTs in Ontario
- Setting the standards for entry to practice to the MLT profession
- Investigating complaints about MLTs’ professional conduct.
Our role, programs, and governance all contribute to making the profession of medical laboratory technology accountable. You have the right to file a complaint about a registrant of the College, which we will investigate. That, too, is part of public protection.
The College of Medical Laboratory Technologists of Ontario (CMLTO) protects the public’s right to safe, competent, ethical health care. We do this by regulating the professionals who conduct lab tests across the province. The CMLTO is the regulatory body for medical laboratory technologists (MLTs) who practise in Ontario.
Every day in Ontario, MLTs perform nearly half a million lab tests on blood, body fluids and tissues.
MLTs may practise in specialized areas like transfusion science (e.g., performing tests associated with tissue and organ transplant), genetics (e.g., studying chromosomes, DNA and RNA from cells of body fluids and tissues to diagnose genetic diseases) and cytology (e.g., studying and identifying normal and cancerous cells). The results from these tests help other medical practitioners diagnose, treat and monitor many medical conditions.
The CMLTO ensures you can have confidence in MLTs doing your lab tests. Qualified individuals must be registered with the CMLTO to work as MLTs in Ontario. As regulated health professionals, MLTs are held accountable for their conduct and practice.
The CMLTO Mission
The CMLTO exists for the protection of the public’s right to safe, high-quality health care through self-regulation and leadership of the medical laboratory technologist (MLT) profession.
The CMLTO Vision
The CMLTO will be recognized, by our careholders, as a successful leader in the health regulatory community and as a trusted, valued, and fair regulatory body. Exceptional customer service, high-quality programs, engaged members, and financial stability will be the hallmarks of the organization.
The CMLTO Values
Competence and Trust
Our values are beliefs which drive our behavior and results. Together, with our passion for success, these are the values that we share and which are embedded in our culture.
We will have the courage and confidence to embrace new opportunities and seek out rewarding challenges in order to shape a better future.
Being honest, trustworthy, approachable, fair, and objective.
If it is to be, it is up to each of us. We walk our talk. If we say we will do it, we will, and if we can’t we explain why. We follow through on our commitments and remain accountable for our attitude and actions.
Working together to build understanding. Respecting each other. Realizing the impact of our words and actions, and accepting the consequences. Standing by one another and pulling together through good times and bad. In doing so, realizing that we can leverage each other’s strengths and accomplish extraordinary things.
What we do, we do well. We are committed to quality and seek to continuously improve. We are innovative by seeking new knowledge, by imagining, and by creating. All of CMLTO’s people are here to make health care the best that it can be.
The best interest of the public of Ontario is at the centre of our purpose and our work.