What is sexual abuse?
Schedule 2 of the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991, defines sexual abuse as sexual intercourse or other forms of sexual relations, touching of a sexual nature, or behavior/remarks of a sexual nature by a College registrant toward a patient. The legislation also defines who a patient is, and states that a person is still a patient for the purposes of the sexual abuse provisions for one year after they would otherwise have stopped being a patient.
In addition, the CMLTO Patient Relations Committee has developed a policy on the administration of funds for therapy and counselling, which you can access here.
Sexual Abuse Prevention Resources
Sexual abuse has no place in the delivery of healthcare services. MLTs are among the professionals who have declared zero tolerance for sexual abuse. The following practice guidelines and supporting resource materials (PDFs) have been reviewed and approved by the CMLTO Patient Relations Committee. The Patient Relations Committee is responsible for establishing a program which includes measures for preventing and dealing with the sexual abuse of patients. The program consists of guidelines and factsheets to ensure access to important information about this topic. Members of the public and registrants may find the following resources on this topic useful: