The College of Medical Laboratory Technologists (CMLTO) is governed by a Board of Directors.
The Board establishes CMLTO’s strategic direction and the outcomes that will lead self-regulation of medical laboratory technologists (MLTs) forward in the interest of public safety in accordance with the legislation.
A Policy Governance® model is used to form policy direction, influence strategy and operations, and monitor results and progress on policy achievement and compliance.
The Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991 (RHPA) stipulates that the Board be composed of between seven and eleven professional MLTs who are elected by their peers, one professional MLT from academia who is elected by the Board, and between seven and ten public members who are appointed by the Ministry of Health.
Board members attend four Board meetings each year and serve on at least one statutory Committee.
Governance Modernization
In late 2021, the CMLTO Board expressed an interest in taking a step back and regrouping its efforts in relation to governance modernization. This was done to complement the incremental progression made in the past (e.g. Bylaw changes) in governance modernization, with a desire to move forward a more wholistic agenda of governance modernization.
In 2022, the Board has had the opportunity to discuss potential changes using a principle-based approach. Their work this year has led to a set of Governance Modernization Principles which can be found below.
A longitudinal plan for governance modernization, anchored to these principles, will be developed by the Board in 2023, and beyond. This plan will be released publicly as it is developed and approved to ensure that the public, registrants and all stakeholders understand the Board’s direction transparently.
Feedback regarding the CMLTO Board of Director’s Governance Modernization Principles, and plan are welcome from the public, registrants and stakeholders at any time.
Please send your questions, comments and feedback to
Select any of the options below to learn more about Governance at the CMLTO, or if you are a CMLTO Board or Committee member and want to access any information that you may need.
CMLTO Board Policies
The Policy Governance Model® was adopted by CMLTO to form policy direction, influence strategy and operations, and monitor results and progress on policy achievement and compliance.
Please note that the CMLTO is sharing these policies for transparency purposes. If you wish to use or distribute the information provided, you need direct permission from CMLTO staff. Please reach out to us at if you wish to do so.
The CMLTO Board defines which results are to be achieved, for whom, and at what cost by its Ends (Critical Outcomes) Policies. The CMLTO Ends (Critical Outcomes) Policies are refreshed approximately every four years.
The CMLTO Board establishes the boundaries of acceptability within which methods and activities can responsibly be left to the Registrar and CEO by its Executive Limitations Policies. These limiting policies apply to “Means” rather than to Ends.
The CMLTO Board clarifies the manner in which it delegates authority to its one staff member, the Registrar and CEO as well as how it evaluates the Registrar and CEO’s performance in achieving the Ends and complying with Executive Limitations policies, by its Board-Staff Relationship Policies.
The CMLTO Board determines its philosophy, accountability, and the specifics of its own job by its Governance Process Policies.