CMLTO Committees
The Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991 (RHPA) stipulates the specific functions of the CMLTO’s Committees. Committees include professional, public and non-Board professional members.
Mandates for each CMLTO Committee include the following:
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee conducts business between Council meetings to ensure the objects of the CMLTO are being met and contributes to the development of governance excellence by the Council. The Executive Committee also makes recommendations to Council regarding the composition of committees.
Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee
The Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee investigates all complaints filed with the Registrar regarding the conduct or actions of a member; considers investigation reports received from the Registrar, and determines the appropriate disposition.
Discipline Committee
A panel of the Discipline Committee holds a hearing to consider allegations of professional misconduct or incompetence against a member (as referred by the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee) and determines the penalty to be imposed, if any.
Discipline Panels issue written decisions and reasons for each case they hear.
Fitness to Practise Committee
A panel of the Fitness to Practise Committee holds a hearing, based on a referral from the Inquiries, Complaints & Reports Committee, to determine if a member is incapacitated and determines the appropriate order to be imposed. Fitness to Practise panels issue a decision and reasons in each case they hear.
Registration Committee
The Registration Committee reviews applications, issues orders about applications, and provides direction to the Registrar on decisions regarding registration applications. The Registration Committee also develops policies and procedures to ensure registration applications, and other matters related to registration, are dealt with in a transparent, objective, impartial and fair manner.
Quality Assurance Committee
The Quality Assurance Committee develops and maintains a program to ensure the quality of practice for MLTs and to promote continuing competence among members.
Patient Relations Committee
The Patient Relations Committee plans, implements, and monitors a program, as required by the RHPA, to improve understanding of the role of members (in their professional duties) and the College (in regulating members). This Committee is also responsible for the CMLTO’s sexual abuse prevention plan.