
Call for Non-Board Committee Members (NBCMs)

Published on

10 October 2024


Michelle Price


The College of Medical Laboratory Technologist of Ontario (CMLTO) has the statutory duty to serve and protect the public by regulating the practice of medical laboratory technology in Ontario.

The Board of Directors is the CMLTO’s governing body which is composed of elected and appointed members, who collectively have the authority and accountability for the overall outcomes of the College.

CMLTO Statutory Committees
The CMLTO Board of Directors conducts its various regulatory responsibilities through the following 7 (seven) statutory committees established by Section 10 (1) of the Health Professions Procedural Code being Schedule 2 to the Regulated Health Professions Act (RHPA), 1991:

  1. Executive Committee,
  2. Registration Committee,
  3. Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee (ICRC),
  4. Discipline Committee,
  5. Fitness to Practise Committee,
  6. Quality Assurance Committee, and
  7. Patient Relations Committee.

Roles and Mandates of the CMLTO Statutory Committees
The CMLTO statutory committees, which perform the functions set out in the Regulated Health Professions Act (RHPA), 1991, Medical Laboratory Technology Act, 1991, and the CMLTO By-Law, are composed of Professional and Public Board Members, and Non-Board Committee Members, with the exception of the Executive Committee.

Please click here to learn more about the roles and mandates of the CMLTO Statutory Committees.

Time Commitment and Renumeration
The number of committee meetings held per year and the time commitment for each committee vary depending on the statutory committee.

Non-Board Committee Members are compensated for their time commitment and reimbursed for their expenses in accordance with the Ministry of Health Renumeration Framework for Public Appointees to the Health Professions Regulatory Bodies (Colleges) under the RHPA.

Appointment of Non-Board Committee Members
The CMLTO Board of Directors, after considering the committee compositions proposed by the Executive Committee, appoints the members of the Committees at its first regular meeting of the year.

The term of a Committee Member is one (1) year commencing immediately after the appointment takes place and expiring when a new Committee Member’s term of office begins in accordance with the CMLTO By-Law.

Non-Board Committee Member Application Process
Registrants, who are eligible for appointment to a Statutory Committee as a Non-Board Committee Member pursuant to the CMLTO By-Law / Section 5.4 Committee Appointments, are invited to bring their valuable knowledge, skills and expertise to contribute to both public protection and the long-term growth of the MLT profession.

The applicants should submit the following documents to by 4:30 p.m. EDT on Friday, November 1, 2024:

1. A letter of interest to serve as a Non-Board Committee Member, and
2. Current Curriculum Vitae.

For further information, please send an email to